Libra Sante & Consultancy LTD is a London based Medical Services Consulting company.

As Libra Sante & Consultancy LTD, we provide personalized Medical Services Consultation for all your health and aesthetic needs scheduled to undergo treatment in Türkiye with expert physicians, pharmacists and dieticians.

We cooperate with Türkiye's leading "internationally accredited hospitals".

We are one of the leading providers of customized health and aesthetic packages that are designed to meet individual requirements.

In collaboration with Türkiye's top "internationally accredited hospitals" and clinics, we aim to provide the highest caliber of care while keeping our clients' safety and comfort in mind.

Our staff offers outstanding service 24/7, and we also give post-operative consulting support, following our services.

Although we are not a travel agency, upon request, we can support you in all the details of your trip to Türkiye in cooperation with our reputable tourism agency business partners, without any service fee.

This service includes details such as accommodation, food and beverage preferences, tourist attractions to visit, entertainment and/or care needs of family members.